Choosing the best framework for web application development is not an easy task. There are many web application frameworks on the market, each with its own characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and most suitable application areas. Choosing the right framework can speed up the process, but choosing the wrong one can cost you extra time and budget. A web application framework, or simply web framework, is a software framework designed to support the development of web applications such as web services, web resources, and web APIs. These frameworks are libraries that help you develop applications faster and smarter. Application development frameworks are at the heart of the development community.

Both back-end and front-end frameworks are necessary to ensure smooth development and organization of websites and mobile applications. Today, the number of web frameworks has increased significantly. In this blog you will find the most important backend and frontend frameworks to help you choose the best one for your product. Here we have compiled a list of the top 10 web development frameworks of 2020 that are popular and can be useful for different types of projects.


Top 5 Frontend Web Development Frameworks to follow


Angular is one of the best web application frameworks and is the first product for developers at Google. Its predecessor, AngularJS, was released in 2019 and completely reworked in 2016. This platform includes more flexibility and rich functionality. Angular is used in large-scale applications because it offers high performance, including bidirectional binding and dependency injection. The main advantage of the Angular framework is its speed and productivity, which allows rapid prototyping. It's perfect for coding single-page apps and enterprise solutions, as well as web apps that require dynamic content.


Ember can be considered the most entrusted and mature javascript web development frameworks. Launched in 2011, it has grown rapidly and gained more and more influence in the world of professional web development. Key features of Ember include an advanced version control system, tight organization, and support for both modern standards and older technologies. Ember allows you to make properties out of pretty useful functions. This web application development framework is best suited for creating complicated web apps and it is used by many companies like Google, Microsoft, Netflix, and Heroku.


It is another Google product used for Android and iOS mobile development and Google Fuchsia OS app design. IFlutter comes with JS - free because it's written in a programming language called Dart, created by Google to create server-side and web applications for both desktop and mobile applications. This allows Flutter to communicate with the platform without going through the JavaBridge. .It does not require any front-end components because they are already implemented in Flutter. Therefore, games and other applications written in this framework become fast. Flutter is used by Alibaba, Tencent and Google.


This is not a web application framework, but a JavaScript library. However, it plays an important role in this list. React gained popularity due to its revolutionary component-based architecture, which was not used in other frameworks. It is used to create a relatively fast and easy user interface, which is the main purpose of this framework. It also uses the JCX syntax, which makes house manipulation much faster than before. It is best used for creating user interface and mobile apps for iOS and Android. Facebook and Instagram use React.


Vue.js is one of the latest web development frameworks that is gaining popularity very quickly. The main feature of this framework is that if you have a product, you choose Vue. js on the other hand and everything goes well without delays or problems. It is designed with a simple structure to be easy to solve.. Another advantage of Vue.js is that it has pretty good documentation. Despite its stunning features, many people won't invest in Vue since it is not a better option for big companies like Google.

Top 5 Web Application Frameworks for Backend


12,000 projects are known to have been created with Django. Hence, it is one of the top 10 web development frameworks. Django was released in 2005, although it is one of the older web development frameworks, but it was popular for its modern problem solving and vision. continuous improvements. The Django web framework is based on Python, one of the most widely used programming languages ​​in the world. Flexibility, scalability and universality are the main advantages of Django. It has a variety of packages, as well as a large community and detailed technical documentation. You can build any kind of application with Django and it is especially used to create MVPs for startups. It is widely used by companies like Instagram, Pinterest and NASA etc.


ExpressJs is a Node.js API and web application development framework. The main features of the ExpressJ framework are speed and simplicity. There are many open source frameworks and this is one of them that includes a large number of ready-made tools, it can be used for many solutions with only a few lines of code. ExpressJs is an easy to use and popular technology that is mostly used by Accenture, Uber, IBM and many other companies.

Ruby on Rails

Today, about 826,000 live websites are developed using the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework, many of which are Airbnb, YellowPages, Groupon. Using this web framework helps to solve very complex development problems. It does not require more time. use this framework because it provides several tools and great libraries that reduce development time. Ruby on Rails framework is big on test automation which is an important hallmark for software quality.


The Java based web application framework is well known in the world of backend web development. The developers who are working with this language will sooner or later use this web application framework.The main purpose of the Spring framework is that it can simplify the creation of J2EE apps.Spring will help you by designing your future application.It works together to provide solutions for complicated projects. It is used to detect weak dependencies between objects. These features help developers do their jobs more easily and efficiently. Several popular companies have used the Spring framework. Among them are Wix, TicketMaster and BillGuard.


Symfony is a popular web framework among the PHP programming community. The main advantage of the Symfony framework is that it reduces the time required to build complex PHP-based websites. Many people appreciate the Symfony framework because it offers developers a wide range of features such as stability, high speed, flexibility and the ability to reuse code. It has also been used to build powerful applications, providing a very useful event broker, as well as dependency injection and options for code optimization. Symfony is one of the most trusted web frameworks and has been used to build 9,000 live websites.

Here we have covered the top 10 web development frameworks that are still valid in 2020 and these frameworks are flexible and can be used for different projects. Larger communities and many developers use these frameworks to build their websites. Each framework has its own features and you can choose the best one for your project according to your needs. Weighing the pros and cons of different frameworks will save you time and money in the future.

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